Honored Date: 12-23-2016
Early September 2016, my husband and I found out we were pregnant after being married for two years. Every appointment was exciting for us and my doctor was amazed the progress the baby and I were making. A week before thanksgiving, my husband and I received an ultrasound and we could tell that something was wrong with our little baby. The sonogram tech had us wait in a room until our doctor told us prepare for the worst. Isaac's bladder became in enlarged and our doctor wasn't sure what was wrong.
One week later, we had our first appointment to the perinatal center and seemed like our son had 3 options for his little life. First his bladder would be drained, second a shunt would be placed into his bladder and lastly I would have to make the decision to peacefully end my son's life. Within the next few weeks doctors would drain my son's bladder 3 times within a week. After one week and one day, we found out Isaac's chromosomes were normal and we received a 3 hour surgery for his shunt.
On December 22, I seemed like I had the flu but it didn't really cross my mind rushing to the hospital due to my appointment the next day. Over that night my fever spiked and I kept getting sick. Thankfully December 23 arrived for my appointment. Unfortunately one of my mom's best friends daughter worked at a hospital and she seemed to think Isaac and I had caught an infection. When we finally got to the hospital and I received a sonogram, my doctor told us we had received an infection. Isaac wasn't moving, his kidneys looked very bad and his heartbeat was very low. She informed me if I didn't end my son's life or labor naturally the infection would kill both of us. I made the most heartbreaking decision to be put asleep and remember my son kicking and waving at me.
December 23, 2016 I lost my son. I never got to hold him or kiss him but I carry his sonogram pictures with me every where I go. I feel his presence throughout the day and especially at night. Isaac's memory will never be forgotten and the day I get to see him again will be my favorite day.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn about our baby who will only live on in our hearts… forever. We would like to ask that you help the organization that has helped us and helps so many others in their times of need.
All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.
George Vegas: $100.00
Isaac, We couldn't wait to meet you, to see the beautiful sparkle in your eyes. To see your beautiful smile, to watch you walk and grow. To show, teach and share all the wonderful things on God's earth. We know that we won't be able to watch you grow but Jesus will. We can only imagine what your eyes and smile shine like but Jesus knows. We do know that someday, we'll meet and walk together in heaven. That's what gets us through each day. Until then, we send you our love, our beautiful Isaac. Love, Grandma & Grandpa Vegas.
Sarah Ogden: $15.00
Isaac, we love you so much and from the moment we found out you were sick, we loved you even more. We can't wait to be with you one day and until then we will miss you every moment and every second of our lives. Love, Mama, Daddy, and Maxy dog
Ann Cram:
My heartfelt sympathy to Isaac's family, especially his parents.