How can the WNYPBN help you and your family?
Grief Process
The grief process can be a long and lonely road after the death of a baby. Peer Support is helpful, and often necessary for parents and siblings. The WNYPBN
hosts "Tiniest Angels Support Group" to assist bereaved families through
their grief & healing journey. Please download brochure for detailed
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Form
Please fill out our HIPAA form and mail to us so that we may contact you for support. This form also lets you choose to be informed of our events and programs, get notified via our newsletter and you can choose to be contacted by our Parent Telephone Support Team.
Care Card
Please feel free to distribute this Care Card to friends, family and co-workers to give them a few "helpful" and "not helpful" phrases to support you during your grief. Please contact Christine Scott, 716-626-6363 to obtain printed copies, free of charge from the WNYPBN, Inc.
Suggestions for Memorializing Your Baby