Thank you to those who have donated in loving memory of our baby.
Our Story of Love at First Sight…
Lilya Raine Arena was born into this world sleeping on September 26, 2009. There was no reason for her death, no conclusion. She was perfect in every way and we miss her every moment of every day. If not for the Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network I would have never found the supports I needed in those times of complete darkness.
Thank you to those who support this cause, It means more then you could EVER imagine.
With Love and In Memory,
Kelly & Michael
Bereaved parents of Lilya Raine Arena
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn about our baby who will only live on in our hearts… forever. We would like to ask that you help the organization that has helped us and helps so many others in their times of need.
All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.
Gina Lewek: $5.00
Marian Edmiston: $45.00
Eric Tully $25.00
Julie Sentiff: $25.00
Thinking of you and your family as you remember your sweet angel Lilya Raine.
Teresa Taberski: $20.00
In Loving Memory of Lilya Raine Arena.
Love, Aunt Teresa
Melissa Bruce: $25.00
Anonymous donation: $25.00
Bethany Krull: $25.00
love to you and your sweet lilya
Chris Barnum: $50.00
Denise Orzel: $20.00
Ashli Falzone: $50.00
Love y'all
Anonymous Donation: 50.00
Gavin O'Brien: $25.00
Nancy Dudek: $25.00
Rebecca McMahon:
Love You
Lara Feller: $25.00
Lilya is always in our hearts!
Tracy Hadsall: $20.00
"In memory of Lila Rain xo"
Melissa & Dave Arena: $75.00
Love You! Thinking of you today and always.
Michelle Ball: $25.00
Karen Wampler: $25.00
Remembering Lilya on the anniversary of her birth. I wish I had gotten a chance to meet your beautiful girl.
Dawn Marcinkowski: $25.00
Eric Overholt: $25.00
Team O love Team A
Kimberly Atkinson: $50.00
Sending love to all 4 of you from K, K,B, L & baby
Alex & Emma Silverblatt: $25.00
Thinking of you and your family today. ❤️
Carrie Smith: $30.00
You are my person
Renee B: $25.00
love always
Christie Majcher: $25.00