Thank you to those who have donated in loving memory of our baby.
Our Story of Love at First Sight…
After years of infertility we were miraculously pregnant with our first. We sat in the doctor's office overjoyed as we looked at the blurry images of our baby at 18 weeks, not knowing they were blurrier than most for a reason, not knowing that we were asked to wait so long in the waiting room because there was news and it was not good news. We were told that our baby had bilateral multicystic kidneys. This condition was "incompatible with life." The kidneys were just a mass of unformed cells, the lungs would not develop, amniotic fluid would not be produced. Our baby might die in the womb or very soon after birth. Despite this devastating news we chose to carry Isabel, whom we named the next day when we learned our first was a little girl, as long as possible. It was a difficult journey, carrying your child knowing that she would never grow up, looking like any other pregnant woman but knowing you would never bring your b aby home. We had great support from our families, some of our true friends and from Hospice. We cherished every kick and squirm, talked to her and sang to her. At 34 weeks, I went into labor. She was born at 11:07. She was born alive and gave a tiny cry. Most of our family was able to hold her for a few minutes. At 1:09 she passed away. Those two hours were both heartbreaking and peaceful. Not a day goes by that we don't think of her, miss her and wonder what she would be like today if only if.... Our hearts will hold her until our arms can again.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn about our baby who will only live on in our hearts… forever. We would like to ask that you help the organization that has helped us and helps so many others in their times of need.
All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.
Laura Burtis: $40.00