Wings of Love
Memorial Garden

The Wings of Love Memorial Fund, a program of the WNYPBN, was one of five local charities that benefited from Ingram Micro’s 18th Annual East Coast Charity Golf Tournament held in August of 2013. This generous donation along with several supporters and donors have allowed us the opportunity to create four Wings of Love Memorial Gardens: Acacia Park Cemetery in Tonawanda, NY, Lancaster Rural Cemetery’s Children of Love Garden in Lancaster, NY, Lincoln Park in Olean, NY and the newest garden in Forest Lawn Cemetery. These gardens are beautiful and contemplative places where families can commune with their babies gone too soon.

The Memorial Garden concept provides a foundation for a peaceful, permanent, commemorative place for parents who lose their children. In an effort to make these Gardens more personal, the WNYPBN offers the opportunity to purchase an engraved, three dimensional bronze butterfly memorial to be placed at either Acacia Park Wings of Love Memorial Garden or at the Children of Love Garden in Lancaster Rural Cemetery. There is also an opportunity to purchase an engraved granite paver to be placed only in the Children of Love Garden at Lancaster Rural Cemetery. Either of these options will be a lasting tribute to the beloved baby that we can only carry in our hearts!

If you are interested in purchasing a memorial marker or paver please fill out the form(s) below and return with full payment (checks made WNYPBN/Wings of Love) to:
150 Bennett Rd.
Cheektowaga NY 14227. 

For Spring Installation, all orders and payments MUST be received by March 1st.

For Fall Installation, all orders and payments MUST be received by August 1st.

Thank you to our Donors

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Important Update

Due to the restrictions and safety precautions required by New York State because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WNYPBN has to restructure our annual events. In response to this series of unfortunate circumstances, the creative team has come up with alternatives to our annual events, while still paying tribute to your beautiful babies and helping others who are in need of assistance after the loss of their babies, while keeping our community safe.
Please visit our Events tab for information about our upcoming 2022 Events and Fundraisers. We hope you are all able to participate in one or all of our events as we adapt to our “New Normal” and continue to stay in good health and be safe. We are grateful for your support!
Thank you, Emily, Christine, Sue, Kelly and our Event Volunteer Committee