6/5/2016 - 7/4/2016
ACarter Andrew Nolan was born June 5th, 2016. We learned early on in my pregnancy that he would be born with many abnormalities. First we found out he had heart and that they would want us to deliver in Rochester any at Strong Memorial Hopsital where they were known for their heart doctors. We also found out he had stomach/ intestine issues, and he was going to be born without feet. When Carter was born he never cried. A team of doctors tried for quite a while and finally got him incubated and stable. After many tests we learned that his heart wasn’t so bad after all. But there were troubles with his intestines that would require surgery, but the most important thing was that his cerebellum and brain stem never fully develop. This was the most heart wrenching thing to hear about your baby. Carter was surrounded and loved by his Mommy, Daddy, two older brothers - Logan and Tyler, grandparents and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends for 29 days in the hospital before he left us for heaven. June 1, 2017, we were blessed from upabove with a beautiful Rainbow baby - Paisley Arlene. Not a day goes by where Carter doesn’t cross our minds. We cherish our memories and pictures we have of him and will pass them on to his baby sister. We miss and love him so much. * Each day that passes is one day closer to holding you again * Please feel free to join our team or donate in memory of our son to help other families who are going through child loss.
All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.