Thank you to those who have donated in loving memory of our baby.
Our Story of Love at First Sight…
Alexander Rosario Jr. was born sleeping at 39 weeks just a few days before his actual due date. His mother Christine's pregnancy went very well and never showed signs of any problems. He was a very active baby inside mommy's womb.
On the morning of Friday August 13, 2010 she headed to her last checkup since her due date to have the baby was near. That day changed her and her husband Alexander's life forever. As Christine went into her appointment the nurse nor the doctor could find the baby's heartbeat so they sent her to a local hospital in the Rochester, NY area. Christine quickly called Alex who had stayed home to tend to their other two sons about the news. Alex met Christine at the hospital where another ultrasound was completed to make sure things were ok. Unfortunately things were not ok, the doctor was not able to find the baby's heartbeat either. Alex and Christine were given the heart wrenching news that their baby boy Alexander Jr. who they so anxiously were getting ready to meet and have in their arms soon had sadly passed away. The news shocked the entire family as we never imagined such a thing could happen especially not to our families. We all united together to suppor t Alex and Christine as soon as we heard the news.
Christine was immediately admitted to the maternity ward where she was induced. She and Alex were surrounded by family throughout the day and evening as she went through the labor process. As soon as Christine was dilated she and Alex decided they would be the only ones in the delivery room along with the doctor and nurses. Alexander Rosario Jr. was born sleeping just after midnight on August 14, 2010. He was a precious baby boy who we still love and adore. We were all able to spend much time with him before our physical goodbyes and take pictures etc.
Our mission is to make sure Alexander Jr's. memory lives on forever. We are not afraid to speak his name or speak about him because he blessed our lives and still does. He is always around us in spirit and even sent his parents 2 rainbow babies some time after gaining his wings. We try our best as his family to help other families who are or may deal with such a loss because it is not easy and it is something you don't think would ever happen to your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with all parents and families who have dealt or may deal with a infant/baby/child loss and we will always remember their tiny little angels. We love you Alexander Jr. You may have been stillborn BUT you were STILL born and you will always be a part of our family.
Please consider donating in Memory of Alexander Jr. no matter the amount. Proceeds will be donated in his memory to the walk to remember event hosted by the WNYPBN. This will be our families 3rd year participating in this beautiful event for which we are so thankful for. Thank you to all and much love!
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn about our baby who will only live on in our hearts… forever. We would like to ask that you help the organization that has helped us and helps so many others in their times of need.
All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.
Alexander Jr's Auntie!