Speaking Grief
In 2019, WNYPBN, Inc. was chosen to be a part of the Grief Initiative, funded by the New York Life Foundation, and produced by WPSU Penn State.
The grief process can be a long and lonely road after the death of a baby. Peer Support is helpful, and often necessary for parents and siblings. The WNYPBN Virtual Support Group is here to assist bereaved families through their grief & healing journey.
Please fill out the interest form by clicking the below button. Once the form is completed or family support group leader will reach out to you.
Please fill out our HIPAA form and mail to us so that we may contact you for support. This form also lets you choose to be informed of our events and programs, get notified via our newsletter and you can choose to be contacted by our Parent Telephone Support Team.
Not sure how to talk to someone that just had a loss? Here are some helpful things to say or not to say as well as ways that you can make a difference!
NY Stillbirth Certificate
On March 21 2012, the Certificate of Still Birth became law.
Any parent who had a stillborn child (20+ weeks) can apply for a stillbirth certificate with the New York Department of Health. The law also has a retroactive clause that allows certificates to be requested for losses that occurred prior to the passing of this law (2012).
Please see your medical provider for the notarized information needed for your application.
Download Still Birth Certificate Application:
In 2019, WNYPBN, Inc. was chosen to be a part of the Grief Initiative, funded by the New York Life Foundation, and produced by WPSU Penn State.